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Old 2010-01-03, 10:42   Link #5
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: event horizon
Originally Posted by Santa View Post
Feel free to provide details. Once you do we will take them into consideration.
But.. but... Ahh well, lets see.

(gonna presume clean this is after clean install, each time)
  • "Fixed and Fluid layout switching." steps
    1. Go to Styles & Templates > Style Manager
    2. We'll presume the target style is called "vBulletin 4 Style"
    3. From the dropdown on the right select Add Child Style
    4. Set Allow User Selection to yes and (in our case) call it "vBulletin 4 Style (Fixed)" before hitting Save.
    5. From the dropdown of the new style select StyleVars
    6. In the searchbox type "doc" to filter to just the options we need.
    7. Go to "doc_margin", select Use the 'top' value for all sides to Yes, set Units to the blank value and Top to "auto". Hit Save when you are done.
    8. Go to "doc_maxWidth" select Units to "px" and type in 900 or 800 as the value. Hit "Save" and you're done, you now have a fixed-width style cloning all settings and customizations of its parent style.

  • "The vBulletin default parent theme selectable." steps
    1. Go to Styles & Templates > Style Manager
    2. The default vBulletin style should be called "Default Style" unless you changed it, and is the top most style (or otherwise said at the root of the style tree).
    3. In its dropdown select Edit Settings
    4. Title: "vBulletin 4 Style"
    5. Allow User Selection: Yes

  • "You will be redirected, blah blah" turned off.
    Seems its been completely scrapped by default in vB4, yey.

  • "Time between visitor messages nerfed!"
    1. Go to Settings > Options > --Show All Settings--
    2. Search for "Minimum Time Between Posts", you have it now at round 60 seconds.
    3. Please set it to the sensible 20 seconds, or back to vBulletin's default value of 30 seconds.
Post the harder ones a lil' bit later.
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