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Old 2011-06-17, 18:52   Link #88
Guess what time it is?
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Age: 38
At this point, they aren't even suggesting that Menma remaining would be a good end. It's tragic for Jintan, and it's hard to blame him for being unwilling to let her go, but he has to, and it seems she won't leave until he's ready to let her. Jinta needs to grow up and accept what has happened, because the longer he dallies, the harder it is on everyone. Menma's brought them all together again, but these floating diaries, half-measures, and cobbled-together rituals are in some ways driving them all even further apart.

As a lot of us expected, Tsuruko holds the key, possibly in more ways than one. Her haircut suggests that she's no longer trying to replace Menma, and while it might make her more homely, it's very true to who she is. I also would like to double check something with all of you: Is Tsuruko the only member of the Super Peace Busters who has not been shown wrestling with the nagging feeling that she is responsible for the chain of events that lead to the accident? I hate to say it, but if so, the rules of drama suggests that there could be something to the theory that she may have (accidentally) been involved in the tragedy.

The brief check-in with Anaru confirms to me that she's now truly stuck in time. There can be no further development without a major seismic shift; something has to give before she can move forward. It's like a much more immediate and acute analogy to what Jinta has been going through since Menma's death.

I'm convinced - though I'm sure many will disagree - that Anaru and Yukiatsu would be poison for one another at this stage in their lives. Maybe they could each use a good whirlwind romance to clear their heads, but not with each other. Their baggage is too entangled, and there's too much history smoldering between them.

They are going to great pains to show Menma speaking regularly to Jinta's mother. The climax, and the secret almost certainly involve her, or something she said to Menma before she died. Also, like a lot of people said a few episodes ago, Menma's unfinished business is apparently for Jintan, not for herself.

Fine episode. The series is moving at an exhausting pace by necessity, and we could really use a breather now and then so that we don't become weary to the WHAM moments. But hey, el oh el, one cour, and you can't say they aren't making the most of what they have.
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