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Old 2004-10-28, 16:34   Link #6
Do you Gentoo?
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: The GTA
Age: 37
But is this the same IME that Windows uses in general? I can type in Chinese. It's just that it defaults everything to simplified Chinese, and some times, I can't even find the character that I want to type...

For example, if I type "wo ai ni," it prints out:

Notice that 'ai,' is simplified.. instead of , which is the traditional character.

Or, typing 'ma' (horse) defaults to the simplified rather than the traditional for which I have to page down the list a few times.

It takes me some time to find the traditional Character.
The traditional IMEs that I've tried don't use PinYin. For example, some use ZhuYin (I think?) which uses phonetic characters to compose words.. but I don't know these, and my keyboard doesn't have those characters printed on.. (eg, ㄆㄊㄍㄐ...etc)
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