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Old 2013-03-01, 12:17   Link #117
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Vereinigte Staaten
Age: 32
It depends on how extreme you judge the world of 1984 to be. I'd say that Orwell did a decent job in depicting the atmosphere and nature of Communist totalitarian states. Stalin/Mao/Kim = Big Brother, CPSU/CCP/KWP = Party or Inner Party. The issue is whether or not to believe Orwell when he (speaking through O'brien to Winston) claims that the party's power is indeed stable to the point of being immortal. There are also certain details like telescreens being literally in everyone's home, which you can say no real life country has achieved but that's more of a symbolic thing. It is no the telescreens themselves which are important, but the feeling that everything you do might be seen, that you are constantly being scrutinized.

More to the point about North Korea. I have heard that there are defectors, who, even after escaping and ending up in the much more prosperous ROK, still respect Kim Il Sung greatly. That's pretty Orwellian.
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