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Old 2013-03-27, 08:45   Link #16
The First Rasengan!!
Join Date: Nov 2007
Originally Posted by Haloid View Post
Don't like this chapter. Hell, I don't like the way Kishimoto is handling this whole flashback. Not only is Madara's reason for turning evil weak and almost as bad as Obito's but Kishimoto trying to put the whole thing off on Tobirama?!
i wouldn't say the author trying to put if off on tobirama…rather tobirama represents the ideology of the senju toward the uchiha that was passed downed from his father and likely even from the original beef between the sage sons. hashirama is the exception mostly due to his friendship with madara, but just has much through his lovey dovey-ness…
we know madara had severe affection for his brother(s) and wants desperately to keep his promise to him to protect the uchiha from the likes of leadership like tobirama. we at least know its not complete paranoia since we already know that tobirama eventually isolates the uchiha when he becomes hokage…
as far as madara becoming evil, he (and probably sasuke) has a dream of a different world without strife. he has read the tablet and has ultimately figured out a way to bring about this world. unfortunately, as we have know for a while, the sharingan works and strengthens via hate (can be argued when considering shisui and itachi) so he has to turn "evil" in order to gain more power.
as an aside, i would argue for fun that the "will of izuna" is in play here. izuna snapped madara out of an earlier treaty with the senju, because he (like tobirama) carried an ill-ideology toward the senju believing they would never get along…since madara is using his eyes its a constant reminder of this and his failure to save him…

i personally think tobirama was out of bounds for killing izuna...

also, when do we get to see the first edo tensei??
Mokujin Rasengan
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