Thread: Licensed 11eyes
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Old 2009-11-26, 03:45   Link #404
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by Klashikari
As already mentioned, the whole issue with Yuka was really contrived and rather uninspiring.
I've just caught up with episodes 6-8, and I agree entirely. Sure, she was clingy before but she went from cute to creepy in no time flat. And it's not like this whole drama wasn't staged anyway...exactly why did Kakeru and Misuzu have to be naked for the ceremony to work? What was the reason for the change in honorifics? And why are three (well, probably the rest most likely) episodes being eaten up by this "he loves me, he loves me not, but I'm a crazy yandere so who cares?" spoonfed crap?

Instead we get two more pathetic black knight fights, and it seems like everyone has a hax power while we're nearly two thirds done with the show and still mostly in the dark about what the hell is going on.

Sigh. This is the only show I've seen where some of the most important and interesting plot changes happen AFTER the credits have rolled.
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