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Old 2010-06-18, 22:29   Link #50
Cross Game - I need more
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: I've moved around the American West. I've lived in Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Oklahoma
Age: 44
Originally Posted by Key Board View Post
Her conversation with Kaworu Nagisa in a gist

Q: Are you God?
A: I'm not sure whether a God exist or not.

Q: How does Angel Player work?
A: I don't know. I'm not that well versed in programming.

Q: What is Angel Player?
A: Angel Player is a software that can manipulate this world in a way a computer program would

Q: Did you create the Angel Player software?
A: No, but an acquaintance of mine did

Q: Where is that person now
A: That person used Angel Player to turn himself into an NPC. This is the phenomenon that is also happening right now everywhere else.

Q: Why did he do that?
A: That person waited and waited for the love of his life to appear in this world. Eventually he got tired of waiting and was driven mad. Even know he walks among the NPC

Q: Why are you unleashing this program on this world?
A: As you know, this is a world in which people graduate from it after attaining inner peace. But occasionally there are people who hang around for too long. With this program the world will "reset"

Q: With so much power, why not just become God of this world?
A: I suppose that may be possible, but I neither have the motive or the will to do that. But how about you?

It is at this point that Yuri goes crazy and decides to become God of the world...


Instead she chooses to destroy all the computers. When she is done, she notices that Kaworu Nagisa has vanished. He probably passed on after realizing there is nothing left to do in this world.
Wait... so what?

After the events of End of Evangelion Asuka never came back out of the pool of LCL, so Shinji (Kami-sama) created a new world where people who's lives were as crappy as his would be drawn into it, all in the hope that Asuka would somehow find her way there? (It actually makes a strange sort of sense).

Only he waited so long that he finally went insane and mindwiped himself. So now he's out there wandering around as if he was one of the NPCs. But he left Kaworu Nagisa (or a clone/NPC made in memory of him?) around to run things and make sure that nobody else found love in this place without moving on (after all that would ruin it as a crapsack world, and make it impossible for Asuka to find her way there). In the worst case Kaworu is suppose to give the person that is causing problems a mind screwy speech that drives her into doing exactly what Shinji wants her to do (he truly is Gendo's son).


Anno is behind it all! This is the sequel to Neon Genesis Evangelion- and it's screwing my mind just as hard as the first series!

Curse you Anno!!!!!!!

Cross Game - A Story of Love, Life, Death - and Baseball. What more could you want?
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