Thread: Licensed Tari Tari
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Old 2012-07-30, 08:16   Link #725
Join Date: Aug 2009
Age: 33
You know, even if Wakana's emotional backstory wasn't anything original or anything particularly fresh, I really couldn't help but sympathize with her. I can hardly imagine the crushing guilt she felt knowing how coldly treated her mother right before her death. I mean, I know that this kind of sob story has been done to death, but something about the episode's execution just worked me.

It probably helped that the drama, despite taking up the bulk of the episode, wasn't overblown or exaggerated, allowing it to come off as more genuinely sad than angsty. But most of all, it has the most to do with the characters being such a likable bunch.

On another note, I might be in the minority here but I'm beginning to grow interested in the vice-principal's character. I'm really looking forward to future episodes exploring her past relationship with Wakana's mother.
Damaged Goods
"There’s an up higher than up, but at the very top, down is all there is."
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