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Old 2013-01-20, 05:44   Link #23067
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Originally Posted by Sumeragi View Post
But Superman was able to still withstand it, no? That's the point I'm making.

Here's something we should consider: Brunhild's power level changes depending on whether the Saint or Valkyrie is stronger, since they cancel each other out. There is an intermediary period in which both Saint and Valkyrie powers were equal, and as such both powers would be reduced to zero, rendering her an ordinary human for three months and a few days. Therefore, where exactly is she in terms of her powers?
Withstand it my foot, he was only able to roll around in agony while the man pulled out a kyrptonite knife to take out his heart.

It doesn't matter which of the the two powers that allow her to kick Mikoto's rear is active since both place her above the level of an average magician or human. Birdway and the others wouldn't have brought her if she was at the point where they cancelled each other out, especially with the fact that she's the only one with knowledge of the final rune.

That's the same thing as practically handing her over.
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