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Old 2012-10-27, 20:10   Link #1850
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by GundamFan0083 View Post
Not that it matters...but for those of you still playing "Team Jacob (Democrat Dogs) verses Team Edward (Republican Bloodsuckers)" here's something for you.

Gallup: Obama's Job Approval Drops 7 Points in 3 Days
I wonder why, when you have 24/7 "coverage" from FOX and other conservative mouthpieces hammering away at every and any possibility that Obama is somehow conspiring to win the election through Benghazi. It's gotten so bad lately that even Colbert had to lampoon it.

I won't defend Obama's record too much, and I sure as heck don't like our current political system or climate, but it does no one any good to be constantly spouting off all of this misinformation. FOX and other information sources seem to think they're somehow saving the Republic from "the evils of liberalism", but in reality they're corrupting it with witch hunts and red herrings. Whatever truth may exist out there is corrupted with sensationalism and manipulation.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating: there is no way Romney should be this close to winning. That he is speaks so much about money in politics, how poorly the media is doing their jobs, and how little the average American actually researches information or truly cares about what is going on outside their bubble. It speaks so much about why people are truly suffering, and it all boils down to their own ignorance, greed, and stupidity.
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