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Old 2010-05-04, 05:58   Link #395
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Originally Posted by Frailty View Post
I'm betting all my money the 4-winged angel dude's gonna brainwash Hiyori
he has only 2 wings and not like deidalos who has 4 wings....

anyway what the need of doing this to her anyways now ?? everyone on earth includeing sugata and tomoki.... lost their memories of her existance... and Hiori cant return back to the same dream so she wont be close to tomoki again as she was....

so why waste time to change her memories if its more convinient if she suffers.... like know the price you have to pay for getting to close to downers.... its more painfull if she sees that the guy who she loves doesnt even remember her now... so the council guy can just leave her or put some chains to restrict her moves or put her in prison.......or can forcefully throw her into the sleeping pod and make her life on earth start again in an different dream where she wont meet tomoki (it would be cruel for her)

I rather see that deidalos might act again... and secure Hiori... or Ikaros on earth will do something to make tomoki regain his lost memories... so tomoki will be more interested in the synapse now....

but still did anyone notice 1thing..... how the hell did sugata get there on first place ??? isnt nymph needed to start the Dive game and stop when he needs to escape it ?? so now sugata is trespassing synapse on his own will.... while digging deeper and deeper grave for tomoki... (since council can be pissed off that becosue of tomokis existance other downers are trespassing synapse... so if tomoki dies = no way to enter synapse by the downers)

last time sugata trespassed synapse... Chaos has been send to earth and deidalos plans got kinda destroyed as she lost her hiddout.... now sugata stands in front of the main villan... who noticed that tomoki as the one human was able to resist the memory delete program the longest from all.... so he might see him as potential threat....

heh but wouldnt be better if council just takes tomoki hostage on synapse... or forces him to leave there separeted from other downers.... the same his angeloids could follow him.... so no sugata or anyone else would trespass synaspe.... simply a 1person sacrifice... allow tomoki leave there between "winged people" XD the same prevent others to trespass the land..... and as they pointed tomoki was considered as "no threat to synapse" so they left him be........ so it would be more convinient to let 1 weak downer live there than allow him to live on earth where other downers might use his dream to access their land ^^

so if tomoki would live on synapse both deidalos and hiori would be kinda glad to have him near them.... and maybe uranus queen would be again on synapse and not against synapse.... I guess it would be more convinient for this situation ^^
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