Thread: K-On! - Q & A
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Old 2009-06-01, 13:01   Link #48
Join Date: Aug 2008
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Age: 35
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Originally Posted by relentlessflame View Post
Well, he composed the BGM tracks and probably provided some of the base clips of the different instruments, but there are other musicians working on the insert songs for the show, so some of the band tracks you hear are going to be from those recording sessions. Some of it is also going to be filled in by the sound effects team when they need extra bits here and there. So, it's not as if there's one single real musician on each instrument that, when put together, would be the real "K-On band". It's all assembled in post.
In that case, I backtrack myself and reitterate: Since we now have a definition of "composer" thrown into the mix, do we know any credits on who actually plays the guitars/bass/drums/keyboard tracks?
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