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Old 2004-04-21, 16:50   Link #11
Join Date: Apr 2004
Thank you for the information Kuru. Anything that helps us do a better job is definitely appreciated. *whispers into Kuru's ear* Influx, not Faith...

Originally Posted by A Lamer
sounds like another sailor moon ripoff
I would agree that this show isn't going to be to everyone's taste, as it was after all aimed at younger girls, but I think that to write it off as just a Sailor Moon rip off is silly. This show is about as much a copy of Sailor Moon as Hellsing is a copy of Blood - The Last Vampire. Just because they share a common theme doesn't make one of them a rip off, or do you think that all music in a particular genre is just a rip off the piece that started the genre too?

I've certainly enjoyed my work on it so far, and I hope that people will enjoy watching it.
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