Thread: Mai Otome OVA 3
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Old 2007-05-24, 15:47   Link #18
Join Date: Mar 2006
@Mentar - If you really expected Zwei to be any different than the 26 episodes of Otome that preceded it, I'm not sure what to tell you. One would think it was pretty obvious that Otome (while at times quite serious) is more fanservice oriented than Hime was. Plot and pacing? Both series suffer from odd choices in those regards. It's best to just enjoy it for what it is, and move on. No point in making a fuss because it isn't what you wanted it to be.

@Ronin Aquila - Maybe, maybe not. There just isn't enough information to suppose one way or the other. It's possible they blacklisted her from the system, for example.
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