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Old 2013-11-30, 20:11   Link #3
Join Date: Jun 2012
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First, I'm going to assume mutual exclusiveness between nice and truthful people, in that a "nice person" will discard the truth in favor of being nice; the truthful person will be assumed the same but in reverse, the truth held over being nice. I'm then also going to define a truthful person as someone who will strive for truthfulness, their M. O. if you will, and likewise the nice person is someone who will strive for being nice. Neither the truthful person nor the nice person is always truthful or always nice, respectively.

Also, I'm going to assume that both truthful and nice person are acting positively toward our subject as well, so that both the nice person and truthful person are aiming to preserve our subject's overall well-being.

With this in mind, I will then state that a truthful person, under most circumstances, is better. Someone truthful can be relied on much more for their honest opinion, and ultimately will have more influence over one's life. You know that if you ask them about something, they will likely give an honest and ultimately "right" response to a great many topics, such as relationships, finance, and ultimately just about any dilemma. Therefore, because of their ability to impact one's life honestly, a truthful person is better than a nice person, since someone nice is just someone to feel good talking too. You can't honestly trust their opinion, and their influence is therefore fleeting. Now, sometimes we don't want to hear the truth quite yet under some circumstances. For example, when going through the end of a relationship, death, etc. In this case, we seek out the nice person and should honestly favor their intent to that of the truthful person, as we should. With this in mind, let's redefine my original statement as such:

An truthful person is better under circumstances of more rational thought, in regards to topics that affect the long term and have less emotion involved. However, a nice person is better for situations where there is much emotion present affecting the immediate and short terms of one's life.
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