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Old 2006-06-23, 06:20   Link #68
Rock beats scissors
Join Date: Jul 2004
Still, making him want to suffer doesn't mean they have to kill off anyone that they come across. Their goal was Hakuoro, why waste time in such a village. Which just happens to be the village he was staying at for a while, which seems a little too convenient yet again.

Although there is also the possibility it was done on purpose, if they found out that that village had been harboring Hakuoro for a while and he would have an attachment to it. This might not be too farfetched, since my impression of Kuccha Keccha is that their soldiers seem like they're fanatics, like some kind of cult. My guess would be that the treachery that Hakuoro committed was simply stand up against them or merely trying to escape from the madness. I doubt he really did anything criminal at this point.

Eventhough you can make up an explanation for their attack on the village, I still feel it came out of nowhere. Something that has been plagueing this series for a while now imo is the fact that things seem to happen out of nowhere, and the pacing is awkward at times.
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