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Old 2012-06-24, 14:45   Link #44
The Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: From the deepest abyss in the world, where you think?
Age: 38
I dunno if simply putting the Vagans back to Earth will work just like that. For being away from Earth for centuries, they'll just feel alienated by the society on Earth when they just return.
Except Zeheart easily fell in with the crowd and was considered an outstanding student.

So it's not farfetched for them to do so. Given how extensive their infiltration of the Federation is it's not that hard to dummy up some records and move people as "refugees" into the colonies and then Earth. Especially since they had the Prime Minister in bed with him it's hard to believe it couldn't happen.

I'm glad really we got to meet people like Deen and Lu. Needed some faces for the Vagan people who weren't military. Easy to have sympathy for Lu who has little time left to live and yet wants to live as much as she can in that time. Deen who is watching his sister go and who can only believe in what Ezelcant is saying. This is where the base of the military comes from though. People living with that viewpoint about the people on Earth and willing to listen to anyone who offers them hope.
Would going to Earth even save them? They stated that the medicine only delays the disease which is inflicted on the inhabitants. Even if they were to move to Earth they'll die anyways (granted they'll at least be back to the homeland).

Of course at the same time the war itself is still stupid. With how easy it is to infiltrate colonies, Ezelcant could have moved his people out slowly. If they spread out to all the colonies at a moderate pace it would have been easy. Especially before he started a war that put everyone on high alert. Instead he starts this massive war, forcing people to prove that they deserve to live, and focusing on taking Earth away from the people living there.
If the whole population is dying then perhaps Ezcelant wants the Vagans to be "remembered" which is why he's always giving the Federation a chance to survive. Otherwise, it's pointless if there's no one left standing (The Vagans are going to all die regardless).

It would also explain why he rejected the Federation's olive branches.

No, I mean respond with some of the things this thread has.

Which is what I said.
Regardless of the reason it still doesn't justify killing innocent civilians simply because they have it easy here. Especially when they don't even know about it in the first place or were involved with it.

Ezcelant was able to blackmail the higher-ups in the Federation that were responsible for their plight with Flit purging them as a result.

the thing about the vagan gov't's perspective is that war was the only option. they couldn't send refugees back to earth, the federation would destroy them and continue to cover up the mars situation. while they pulled off a pretty impressive infiltration of the earth sphere, from what it sounds like they have multiple colonies as well and a mass infiltration seems pretty difficult, try moving the population of Los Angeles somewhere else, it's not realistic. additionally,
Given how easily they could move giant robots into major cities and near bases and had control of the upper echelons of the Federation including their factories, I find it hard to believe they couldn't move large amounts of people over a century.

it's also a matter of human dignity, try living as a second class citizen or in a country that doesn't particularly like foreigners. there's really a lot to be said about living ignorant of the privileges one has have.
So if a kid from the Middle East who grew up in poverty came to America, he's well in his rights to judge the people living there and killing them just because?
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