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Old 2012-08-03, 06:33   Link #1
Urzu 7
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: New England
Age: 40
Texting while driving

So I came across this article:

What irony. One of his last texts (not the last one) before he got in a terrible accident was "I need to quit texting, because I could die in a car accident". He then suffered brain injuries, lost the ability to speak for months, and broke nearly every bone in his body.

Texting while driving is a problem that really bothers me. It makes me mad sometimes. I have never texted while driving. People who do this, is it worth it for them to die, or kill other people, for the sake of leaving some little text message like "lol yeah whatever" or "i'll be at that party"? The answer is of course not. Yet so many Americans are endangering themselves and other people, if not hurting or killing themselves and other people, over short, little text messages that just simply don't need to be sent while they are driving. For every single accident, fatal and non-lethal, where the cause was texting, the texting just wasn't worthwhile.

It also bothers me that people will do this while transporting people. A couple or few years ago in Boston, a train operator crashed into the back of another train because he didn't stop it on time. The cause? He was texting while operating the train. Several people became injured. No one died, but someone or some people could have died. When you have that kind of job and you injure people because of being so irresponsible, I think it is more than being totally irresponsible, I think it is unethical. Such a maddening incident. He was fired, but I think he should have faced some amount of jail time for it.

What are your thoughts on texting while driving? Do you ever do it? Do you know someone who does? What do you think of people texting when they really should be paying attention to something at hand? Share your thoughts in this thread.
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