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Old 2012-01-20, 23:57   Link #16299
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Age: 35

I can't talk about it without getting into trouble... >.>

Originally Posted by Twi View Post
They do have spells that handle that. For gases that only work on inhaling, we've seen Lessar enter an area with no oxygen and if AC breaks out forbidden weaponry like Nukes or Chemical weapons, they lose any support they may have had and other countries, even those that were uninvolved, would start literally bombarding them until there wasn't a standing building or underground bunker left.

Hostile situation or not, weapons like that make bad situations worse.
Magic side is no different if they start to use large scale weapons, that was Academy City's reason that the Rome Catholics had use their specially developed large scale 'esper' technology on them during 0931.

(Oh yeah, gas can also affect skin contact, a magician might not know the difference, lets not forget Nano technology and god knows how many other science fiction weapons...)

The World's not that stupid, people know there's some kind of occult power in the world already.

Originally Posted by Twi View Post
9000, several of whom are at Level 3 or below, students AKA children, which we've established could only end badly...and 9000 isn't exactly alot compared to major armed forces....
Hello? Dark side Espers? Ring any bells? Where Twelve years old like Kuroyoru and Saiai with plentiful combat experience exist in abundances?

Also, 9000 is more than enough, since when has Academy City rely on numbers? This is not going to be conventional warfare, this is going to be a Spec Ops war.

One more thing... Level 3s, really? You don't think even 0.5% of 1.8 million people are Level 4s?

Btw I want to be clear on one thing- I'm not in support of a scenario where the students take over Academy City for their purpose, I think it's impossible. What I am saying is that the idea of having a fighting force of Espers to go up against magicians is not as impossible as people make it seem.

Last edited by Chaos2Frozen; 2012-01-21 at 00:16.
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