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Old 2009-10-20, 17:28   Link #536
Join Date: Sep 2009
Originally Posted by DragoZERO View Post
I hope they focus more on the characters and less on the world though, since the overall plot screams LOTR.
I don't see the parallel. The characters are certainly not similar. As far as the world goes, there were wars in the past in both, and there are evil forces rising in the world, with a mysterious figure, and the existence of a magical item. If that's what it takes for the plot to "scream LotR," than I'd give up watching/reading fantasy. This show is located so far entirely in a large city, not a tiny village leading to a journey across the world. They are not trying to destroy Aria last time I checked. There are no halflings and no dwarves. The enemy are men making dark pacts to become fiendish monsters, or using creatures to infect others. There are no dark riders or hordes of orcs. The Lord of the Rings surely laid the groundwork for modern fantasy, but that doesn't mean anything with a vaguely (and I emphasize vaguely) similar plot is ripping it off.
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