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Old 2012-04-30, 13:17   Link #403
Join Date: Dec 2011
Age: 29
Originally Posted by Fallen3dge View Post
There's a SAO group in this forum but its quite small
Yeah, I only made it a few days ago. I threw something quick down for the description because I've been quite busy w/ schoolwork for the past few weeks, and will be for quite some time. I do plan on changing it to something more tasteful and substantial, though. I've added the nicest images I found on the net (pixiv + google) to the group, excluding any spoilerish images. I'll add those spoilerish images as the plot progresses and more is revealed about the characters, and as new characters are introduced. I also have some plans in store for this group, but I want to run them by some people before I actually do anything. Anyway, if anyone here wants to join, the group can be found here.

Originally Posted by nhormight View Post
hmm now vol.9 Kirito has still love Asuna ?

I hope this Novel Happy Ending Xd Kirito x Asuna so cutest ><
Yeah, as do I. And agreed; I haven't run into a couple this awesome since.. well, ever.

Mhm, Asuna looks pretty badass on the Aria of The Starless Night cover.

I've got a few questions and would greatly appreciate if someone could answer them. I'm only on chapter 19 of volume 01, and I currently lack the time to read on. But anyway:

1. Why is the first volume much bigger than the rest of the volumes? Volume 01 has around 22 or so chapters, and the rest appear have much less. Are they still similar lengthwise or are they just much shorter in general?

2. Why is the romance (and when I say romance, I mean the wuvely duvely relationship Kirito and Asuna have, and not some random haremy flirting) considered to be.. well, worse? Is it simply because there's less, or is it still there but in a less noticeable way (as Kirito and Asuna have been deeply in love with each for quite some time now)?

3. I remember tomtkp saying something about SAO having a happy but open ending (which I don't particularly mind as long as it's done well. The 'open' part, anyway). As long as Kirito and Asuna get their well-deserved happy ending, I'll be happy. Was this speculation on the behalf of fans, or is there some silver of truth to it?

Oh, and I posted 5 animated avatars made from the PV materiel in the anime thread but the only ones remaining as of now are an Egil avatar, and an avatar of Kirito crashing into Asuna. Just thought I'd let people here know incase anyone wants one.
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