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Old 2012-11-01, 04:05   Link #2256
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Kuala Lumpur
Originally Posted by invokion View Post
Yeah, main plot being defeating 5 Kings to reach level 10. Noumi's Arc didn't really accomplish much in that respect, and hence why I think of it as a 'side' quest. It would've been good if ended on that note I agree... though the battle with Green Grandee would've been so tedious cos of his defense haha. I wonder how he'd handle fights in the unlimited world, he can't do much damage(?).
Maybe it was part of the main plot - I can foresee with this new faction entering the fray, and not playing fair through their masking, the kings may choose to try and deal with this menace, and become targets themselves, changing the purpose of the main plot to one of gaining level 10 to one of stamping out masked logins. Even Yellow Radio would have an interest in this seeing as his Akhibara Battleground is at risk, although he might just backstab a few people along the way. Some of the kings probably won't survive, but at the end it'll be at least two of them still standing, and then they'll agree to fight rather than let it drag on meaninglessly and encourage yet more abuse of the system by another illegal faction in the future.

Imagine what an impact if at the start of Season 2 Green Grandee's armour is ripped apart by the bad guys, causing panic among all the remaining kings... the original main plot is something to look forward to, but I think once we get to meet the other kings and know them better we might not like the idea of them killing each other that much, and it would be nicer to see them fall at the hands of a truly antagonistic third party.
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