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Old 2013-02-24, 05:49   Link #250
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Traece View Post
In theory, I can see how that would make for a great judge in the Sibyl System. These people that lack emotions and ethics, who are cold and calculating. Nothing to get in the way of them looking at someone who is a potential threat to society and saying that they are indeed a threat, even if they have a family and a reason for their madness.
That doesn't translate at all. If you don't care about society then you won't care about making it better. To have no stakes in what you rule over means there is no reason why you can't make a mess of it for personal enjoyment.

See, what you are after is someone who would obey the law and not let emotions get in the way. But if you hire psychos you just get people who don't care about emotions OR law.

What you want isn't a psychopath, but a law abiding citizen like Akane. Someone who obey the law despite her emotions. Not because she don't have emotions, but because she actually care about the rule of law.

Trying to hire psychos is actually faulty logic. A judge needs to follow rule of law. Being a psychopath does NOT make you lawful. And if you are okay with unlawful people being judges? You get the Sibyl system. Breaking rules left and right because it wants to. Because it doesn't care.
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