Thread: DoTA 2
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Old 2010-11-04, 21:10   Link #7
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Flan-chan
Age: 21
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Originally Posted by Rhythm View Post
>>Implying DotA didn't copy off of AoS
Sir, DotA is not original. 3 lanes, waves, heroes, towers are not introduced in DotA. I don't know what your problem is with the LoL's graphic but I guess that is your opinion. To me HoN's graphic is pretty ugly.

First of all, the quality of these concept arts does not show the quality of graphic in game(derp). DotA2 will most likely replace HoN(?) but not LoL. I don't see how DotA2 has anything new to offer other than realistic graphics, which is still in doubt. Following this MOBA genre since AoS and played in the Cal, all I can tell you is that DotA's current balancing system is epic fail. Characters conception like Drow, Bloodseeker is hardly appealing(AOE silent and frost arrows, seriously?). Appealing characters such as Earthshaker/Engima/Silencer is imbalanced with AOE ultimate that could kill the whole team. Game mechanics like killing your allies to allow your creep to stay in one spot without moving while not letting opponent have any exp are epic fail. Items such as Dagger still have like a 3-4 second cool down. The balancing system is actually worse than when games were titled "No SA" in fear of the WitchDoctor Ward. What makes a game fun is its game mechanics and not that it has cool graphics. I am sick of getting that AOE combo in IH or the concept of late game and early game hero.

- I am biased because LoL has Touhou references(Wriggle's Lantern, Youmuu's Ghostblade) and Final Sparks(Lux). I used to hated LoL because the matchmaking system, runes, and mastery; It was until I played Annie, loli bursting people out-- something Lina/Pyromancer could not accomplish, that I began to love LoL. Note that LoL's player population is way larger than HoN due to being free.
I love Flandre Scarlet

Last edited by Izayoi; 2010-11-04 at 21:51.
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