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Old 2012-12-14, 12:35   Link #31
Sunder the Gold
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
I agree with the majority of your point, but I doubt he would bother to use Physical Burst during daily practice. Maybe a couple of times, to get used to the opportunites afforded by Physical Burst, but not daily.

If Taku was truly addicted to Brain Burst's power that he was using it just to show off, like Noumi did, then he couldn't simply stop doing that after starting over again with Haruyuki. The problem would run too deep.

Chiyuri provided the answer when she pointed out that Taku's reasons for using Acceleration were different from Noumi's. Noumi did it to feel superior to everyone around him, but Taku used it because his victories made Chiyuri happy.

This helped justify, at least in Taku's mind, why he put the backdoor program in Chiyu's linker. Since he was using Brain Burst so much for her sake, and it was putting him in a desperate situation, it was only fair that she help him out, even unwittingly.

It also explains why Taku could so easily stop abusing Brain Burst. Once Chiyu knew about it, she wouldn't be happy anymore if he kept using it to cheat. She would instead be happier to know that he was giving his best while playing fair.

Takumu didn't need Brain Burst to feel better about himself anymore, since he had finally mended his relationships with his best friends.
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