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Old 2006-04-26, 18:56   Link #301
Martian diplomat
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Originally Posted by Mirtual
Rider would be a rogue if you ask me. Mostly sneak attack, agile, but can't really take damage and is more agi based then strengh.
Archer would be a fighter, wouldn't he? With some weapon specialisation, focusing on rather light and fast weapons.
BTW, what is this class thing all about?
I think apart from the weapon the servents actually use in their human form(I use human form because past, history and life are all inappropiate words...), their personality and tales does make a difference. For example Archer. He only used his bow once and even though he's not using one properly?!(He shot a sword not an arrow!) Weapon wise, he's really unfit to be one, saber class would fit him if you look at his weapon only. However the way Archer acts...self centered, unwilling to co-operate, cool minded all fits the way of an archer acts. And thus making him one.

btw Archer doesn't focus on light and fast weapons. (in fact all his weapons don't weight...)He doesn't have pros and cons when using a weapon. All weapons he summons are famous ones, and once he grabs one he automatically gain the skill needed to wield them. That's a bonus from UBW...

If you have done some basic research you'll know there're 7 types of servents who participate in the Holy Grail War...and we distinguish them in classes:


And Saber is of the saber class(...really...*sweats*)
Of all classes Saber has the best basic affinity: Great magic resistance and instinct with high mana, swift and have no significant weakness, and the most royal servent out of all(least being Caster, who can even kill their own master...) talk about whoose classes doesn't make sense...It's rider...She doesn't use a lance or knight sword like a cavalry/knight do, follows no code of conduct, and worse of all...
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