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Old 2012-08-09, 10:29   Link #34
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Originally Posted by SagaraSouske View Post
One loop hole based on the tech behind SAO:

Sleep PK should not be possible. All players' actions are directed via their neural pulses from their brain. Another player using a sleeping player's hand should not be able to make anything happen in game as there will be no neural pulses coming from the sleeper player to make the action occur. Another words, even if the duel request prompt appears, there is no way for someone to use the sleeping player's hand to click on the OK menu button since the action of clicking OK should only come from the sleeping player's brain.
It's pretty clear that it's not programmed that way. It's vastly simpler to program the menus along the lines of "does player avatar intersect the menu" using simple collision detection, than it is to program the menus to first check to see if a player is the one moving the arm to intersect the menu, or if someone else is moving their arm for them.

In the course of a normal game, the difference should not be a major problem, and would probably be patched if it managed to become one. Under the circumstances, it's a moderately important problem, and they don't have anyone issuing fixes for that sort of oversight.
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