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Old 2009-09-30, 01:34   Link #2197
Join Date: Jul 2009
Originally Posted by Vexx View Post
I hate to ruin your day but there are many, many 'secular' Muslims who are relatively passive about their faith -- it depends on the country we speak of and the other traditions in place prior to the arrival of Islam, it depends on how they interpret and execute the teachings of Islam. A Muslim in Iran is a very different Muslim than one in Malaysia or Indonesia (though they do share common threads).
I thought I placed it really clear already. For those who do not *submit*, a title revoke must be made. They are "Muslim" in name perhaps but not in truth---this is where the problem lies.

But I guess your right, It might differ depending on perception---though, I do *believe* that mine is "correct".

Christianity has been around a much longer period (and Judaism even longer)... societies may have "christian" history, underpinning, etc. but it doesn't mean that many people who consider themselves Christian actively think about it much. That goes for Europe, Canada, and even the US amongst other places.
The lesser stricter discipline creates this "foggy" disappearance of faith which leads to atheism----not implying that atheism is negative. I just believe that religion creates the better society.
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