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Old 2013-06-28, 00:50   Link #46
Annie Leonhart
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Indiana
Chapter 712
That was not a bad chapter. Daflamingo should be careful not to underestimate the Marines. Daflamingo really did do his home work on the Straw Hats. I hope the Straw Hats get to do a match up with Daflamingo.

Wild Card
With the Marines being left out of the loop Daflamingo should be careful. It seems Fujitori has a strong sense of good justice, on top of that the marines were not informed about the little stunt.

If I were Admiral Fujitori I would sit back and enjoy the fight between the two. Then right when one of them(Most likely Daflamingo) is about to kill the other, I would use my Devil Fruit and suppress both of them down or just Daflamingo and let Law escape. Keep them from killing each other. If Daflamingo pushed further I would remind him what it means to be the Admiral Rank. That will teach CP-0 and the celestial Dragons to play games with an Marine's time.
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