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Old 2004-10-10, 12:58   Link #39
shush! I was only helping
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Under ur skin
Age: 33
Talking Can some one tranlate this for me pls..

Hiya everyone, i was jus wondering if some one could translate this for me in to japanese kana

"To whom it may concern,
I am writing to explain the advantages of the Toyota factory in burnastoon, england. In my opinion burnaston was not the best site for the factory, But there are still many advantages to the factory such as the factory was built on flat land and near to a motorway, this should make transporting materials very easy, there are also a fair amount of unemplyed skilled workers whish sohould make finding employees a breeze.
Its near to an attractive country side which should hopefully keep the moods of the emplyees on the up side of things. Burnaston has good labour relations. Burnaston is not near to a port but with any luck Burnastons other qualities should make up for it.
I hope this letter has helped u get a vauge idea of the state in which the factory is in."
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