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Old 2008-05-27, 15:36   Link #14
'S' Class Fairy Tail
Join Date: Jun 2007
@Enara: Lol, so I am not the only one who thought of going into a coma instead of waiting for something.

Hmm. I think Clarice and Galatea will have their chance to react. I do not see Clarice just saying, "oh ok" and joining. I think there will be some definite struggle here. I mean her entire world has just been pulled apart. She and Miata are the only 2 still in the organization. The other 8 are outside anyway and have made their choice to leave. The last time someone's world view was smashed in this badly was when Priscilla fought Teresa.

Well, Riful tried a mind game on Jean and Isley pulled a fast one on Riful, but this is some pretty heavy stuff for Clarice to hear. I am not sure how much Miata has thought about this. But if youma killed her family she might go berserk against the organization. Her past is obviously a part of the story so something will set her off. I am also dying to see Raphaela, but it might be a while.

As for what will happen I think something very bad is at the door steps. Not necessarily the next chapter but in the next few. I doubt Claymore is going to change to a very happy story.
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