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Old 2013-11-07, 08:49   Link #106
Anomaly / 矛盾存在
Join Date: Jan 2013
Age: 29
Maybe we've been looking at this the wrong way, that the 'same-level, same potential' is an absolute rule.

What if that, rather, is an observation that applies to 90% of BB players? The last 10% who found out more ways to learn moves, had extremely knowledgable Parents, or other external knowledge are thus exceptions to the observation.

That Haruyuki will probably never get as close to a regular player as he will with the exceptional 10% who form the cast is one point, that we might have been seeing too many of the exceptions and too few of the normal players.

Another contender is that if few players are said to advance beyond Level 4, then surely their time spent researching and developing new techniques is much less compared to the high-rankers. The regular players see it as a game, not a tool to understamd themselves.

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