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Old 2012-10-09, 00:30   Link #58
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Australia
Originally Posted by Sumeragi View Post
You know, given that this is the first time I have ever heard of the Battle of Baekgang being called an invasion, I really have to question your sources. Unless you happen to be mixing up the mythical invasion portrayed in the Nihon shoki with the Battle of Baekgang (even when those are completely separate).
Honestly, most of true invasions has the invaders setting up some sort of "puppet" governments ( which in some way can legitimately claim the right for local and foreign support). I means i can see where you are coming from, but it's really down to specific debate. And frankly, most of Koreans will rather believe anything relating to Japanese coming over their shores as "invasion". So it's even harder to argue against

And yeah let's talk about sword, or try to put them in context. I thought with only swords, without shield and over-belief on bushido, Japanese medieval army will be steamrolled by pretty much any other countries? Especially with Sun Tzu's Art of War, emphasize on high ground for superior range combat?
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