Thread: Licensed Tari Tari
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Old 2012-08-21, 01:43   Link #1095
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Originally Posted by Arya View Post
Another very good episode

If I have to say I didn't like how Wakana played the late mother card on Sawa. I mean, yes, Sawa has been harsh, but that wasn't the moment to say that. Even if Wakana had all the rights to say that, it was a bit unfair.
I can see where you're coming from, although I still feel it was a good/positive thing to say. Not so much to tell Sawa how to behave given that losing something is part of life and so she should just automatically accept it, but moreso that life goes on no matter what. So while being depressed about something may not be bad, you shouldn't let it destroy you or everything else you've done. So for instance, Wakana is obviously still sad her mother has passed, but doesn't let that interfere with her doing other things (now at least).

Is it a bit unfair? Well yes. Especially given Wakana didn't have a time-frame to overcome her issues, whilst Sawa was being forced to overcome her's for the sake of the choir (which, if we're going by relevance, sure losing a family member is more devastating than losing a dream(arguable, but for normal terms we'll go with this), but losing a dream compared to some side choir event Sawa wasn't fully interested in anyway? Slightly unfair). It was kind of a new issue too, she's only just gotten depressed over a real dream she has being taken away, forever. As opposed to say Wakana being depressed for a while even before her arc. It's not like Wakana was giving her all for the club to begin with either.

Add to that when everyone helped Wakana, it was natural instincts to help. This time though, while they obviously wanted to help, it was still shrouded in some selfish desire to get Sawa to perform for the choir.

On the flip side though, Wakana probably knows how being depressed can really hold you back. So it was still good/sound advice to give. Wakana's kinda turned into this wise person who can dish out advice left, right and center based off her experience now. If anything, it shows how strong Sawa is that she did end up stepping back so quickly.

On a side note, I re-watched the episode again with different subs and man, some things flowed way differently. Mostly the gist of it was the same, although some contradictions did occur. But the flow of it definitely differed. I wonder how best to proceed watching...
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