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Old 2013-05-05, 20:05   Link #86
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Auckland, NZ
The biggest problem here is that the Titan's weak spot isn't like some sort of 'hit it and it dies' thing. One arrow just won't do jack. And one person fires one arrow a time. Sure you could have hundreds firing, but remember: they need to be up close to be accurate, and if you have so many focusing on one Titan what about the hundreds of others rampaging through the place? Melee at least gives the potential for one person to take out one Titan. With such puny ranged weapons you will need far too many people vs one Titan for it to be feasible. All while they're being targeted by other Titans. How well can you aim and shoot knowing that a hand might reach out and grab you any second?
thanks to Patchy ♥
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