Thread: Dating
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Old 2012-10-04, 11:35   Link #10807
Unleashing the Homu-Rage
Join Date: Apr 2010
Originally Posted by DonQuigleone View Post
Trust me, you aren't missing anything.

And you don't want to go out with the girls that go to these things. They're just as bad as the frat "bros".

I mean really, all they do is get pissed, listen to bad music at deafening volumes and play beer pong, otherwise known as the most simplistic dull game in the world.

You're looking in the wrong places. But to be honest, I also failed to get any action. My advice: Give up. Contrary to popular opinion, College is a shitty place for a thinking man to find love. You could try online dating, believe it or not, you will find people your age there.

That, and the culture of your college makes a difference. I've attended 2 colleges, University College Dublin and Virginia Tech. At UCD the primary means of entertainment was alcohol, and I didn't manage to make any friends my entire time there. When I went on exchange to Virginia Tech I found it to have a much more varied and generally more sophisticated social scene. People actually did things besides getting pissed every weekend(like clubs, in UCD, every club was de facto a drinking club, the vast majority never did a single thing, not so in V Tech!). It was amazing. I had made some good friends within 2 weeks of starting there. The only downside was that I was renting my rooms from frat boys. We got along okay, but I got my fill of their lifestyle.

I didn't manage to get a girlfriend, but to be honest I was feeling transient there, I knew I'd be leaving in under 7 months, so I wasn't keen on looking for commitment. But I did actually manage to become a casual acquaintance of several girls in my time there, so maybe if I had been there longer...

So if you think your university has a bad social scene, consider transferring to another. If, like me, you're more of a thinking man, then you're not going to be happy at a "party school".

And trust me, don't feel envious of frat boys. The girls they go out with are all vapid and ultimately as incredibly annoying as they are.
Really my university's social scene isn't that bad, I was just being stupid. I just need to actively look for more groups that suit my interests.
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