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Old 2009-12-02, 01:49   Link #72
Gangsta Spanksta
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Originally Posted by Shiek927 View Post
What makes you say that? She's just as strong as she ever was, but what makes you think she's stronger now?

It was thought she was getting weaker by starving herself, which ended up being false; her yoki is seperate. But getting even stronger? Doesn't seem like their is any proof of that.
Geez, Cyclone really predicted this chapter the other day. XD But anyway, Priscilla did get weaker, so you weren't wrong. It's like something else he said: she probably had a little snack before leaving the village. But I agree with you that there is no evidence she is stronger than before.

She said that it would take another Abyssal to be able to beat Priscilla, and some took that as a sign that Priscilla was 2xAO(like Raciella, as far as we know), even though it was only a chance. Obviously this goes without saying, but I think this chapter confirms for those believers that Priscilla is far above 2xAO: because she fought 2 Abyssal Ones right here and won, without any effort at all.
Well it supports it but not out right proves it, considering the damage Beth took early on and the possibility Beth Kitty < Bety Awakened.

Well, I doubt she has any thoughts of conquest or dominion like Isley had, but her Awakened personality is definitely quite intelligent. She seems to have regained her memories of her time in the Organization and their methods.
Wonder if she will remain stable this time. I think she regressed last time out of guilt.
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