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Old 2004-08-28, 02:27   Link #13
Nine Devil
Master(Vicious)'s Padawan
Join Date: Nov 2003
Walla, Captain Panda's wonderul summary. Enjoy.

We get a shot of the Merry...completely abandoned; even Nami's orange trees are gone. Only Usopp is left there, lying on the deck, seemingly lost in thought. The next morning, Water 7 is alive with news of something that happened the previous night. Some people are blaming Franky for it, others are blaming the Straw Hat pirates, but it's not said WHAT the incident is, only that people are all lined up at the #1 dock entrance, trying to get a comment from the Galeras. Elsewhere, the Straw Hats are all on the roof of a nearby building, and Sanji's just returned...he stayed near the ship all night waiting for Robin, but she never came. Sanji says he's going to go looking for her again, and Chopper says he'll come along. Nami then shows up and tells Luffy that something's happened to Iceberg.

At the Galera headquarters, Kaku and Lulu are trying to decide what needs to be done. The whole thing is a big problem, since without Iceberg, both the Galera Company and all of Water 7 are in big trouble, however, neither of them can figure out who did the deed, or why. They call Pauley, and we finally find out that Iceberg was shot; he's alive, but he hasn't yet regained consciousness, however. Lulu tells Kaku that he thinks it must have something to do with Iceberg's meeting with Corgi, but Kaku warns him to be careful about what he says about government officials, but either way, their first priority is Iceberg's safety...they'll worry about catching the culprit later. News spreads quickly through the city of the attack, but no one has any idea why Iceberg was attacked, or who did it.

Back at Straw-Hat camp, Luffy hears the news, and decides that he's going to go after the assassin as well, and Nami says she'll go with him. Sanji and Chopper head to find Robin, and Zoro decides to wait there in case anything else happens. The Sea Train pulls into water 7, and Franky steps out.

At Iceberg's house, Rucci, Califa, and Tyrannousaurus are watching over their leader, and the doctor tells them that he's been shot twice in the front, and three times from behind, but he doesn't know exactly how it happened. Kaku and Lulu continue their speculation, mentioning that the only evidence they have is a mask that was found. Outside, Pauley is trying to make his way inside, but the reporters keep hounding him.

Finally, we get one scene of Franky returning home. Or, more aptly, to what's LEFT of his home. He drops his mask in anger (though his face is still shadowed), and finds out from one of his fallen henchmen about the identities of those responsible.
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
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