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Old 2013-02-09, 18:32   Link #72
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: The Netherlands
Originally Posted by ChronoReverse View Post
Good point, I had forgotten that bit in the early part of the story. Although I wonder if it were irrational fear or if the queerats have tried something like that before. It seems the height of foolishness to leave the queerats alone if they've actually gone and tried to kidnap humans.
Fright abounds in the village and keeping a slave-species down is hard paranoia inducing work. So who knows? One would think that Tokmiko would have mentioned it if the mole rats had been a creditable threat in the past 200 years, and the false minoshiro would have been likely to mention such an event had it occurred any later than that. But neither did so it's fair to assume that there have been no bakenezumi revolutions of even a tenth on this scale. Though there really is no evidence that the humans haven't smote the bakenezumi back into the stone age before for something like that. Do children even go outside of the barrier? Do bakenezumi even go in unless invited by council?


I wonder how queerats came about. Were they made intelligent deliberately using cantus or did they appear because of the mutations caused by cantus "leaking"?
Seeing as the lab at the exo-species department had genuine naked mole rats. It safe to assume they evolved in a way similar to the fujouneko. That is to say they were selectively bred, much like today's dogs.

Could be a severe case of hoisted by their own petard if someone had created them. Too bad nobody in the current time has anything to do with that.
It might be were humanity's sense of entitlement stems from. Also: Rise of the planet of the Naked Mole Rats anyone?
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