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Old 2013-02-14, 21:57   Link #23
Sunder the Gold
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
You know, it occurs to me that we've never seen Ash Roller's special move.

There's the Vertical Climb he got at Level 2, and then the missiles he got by the next time he appears on-screen, but he should have had a special move even at Level 1.

Obviously, it has to be dependent on his bike, because in the Light Novels the fight wasn't decided with a single Headbutt after his bike was caught. He actually got off and tried to duke it out with Silver Crow.

Taking that kind of damage, especially after inflicting so much, his Special Meter would have been full enough to use any kind of special move, unless it depended on his bike.

So, what is it? Some kind of super-ramming charge, perhaps? Perhaps with an energy-shield to protect him while he rushes in?
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