Thread: Licensed Hataraku Maou-sama!
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Old 2013-05-03, 06:06   Link #966
Iron Maw
Join Date: Feb 2006
Ep 5

Great episode as many other have said. The animation during the fight was a lot better than I was expecting given this isn't really an action series. I do have one issue here though and that's the language inconsistency. How did Emi's companions understand her when they all speaking another language altogether without a hint of a translator (spell or otherwise)? It's a fairly minor thing, but since the show bother to acknowledge some sort of barrier communication it gets annoying to see something like that.

So... I guess the main question now is where does this show go from here? Maou has method he can use to return to his world anytime, so working at MagD is pretty pointless in that endeavor. He's pretty much given up his "world domination" plans and intends to live as human from now. If show wanted it can much end here or the next episode depending when it decides to resolve things between Emi and Maou.
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