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Old 2006-04-08, 06:41   Link #27
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The Fields of High Attus
Age: 34
Wow! I was quite surprised by the episode - it was very well done, even though it wasn't spectacular and deep like Utena, it wasn't meant to be, and instead has really humorous elements of it... the freaking roses! And the slightly whimsical and nonsensical setting... the best thing about this show is how it takes all the silliness in its stride and makes it all feel perfectly natural, and most importantly, really funny. I was really laughing through this show, I never thought I'd find it funny!

Spoiler for Lots of fangirling!!11oneone:

Crap, I've gone completely into fangirl mode! There is no salvation for me! But this first ep was so hilarious and well-done that I'm definitely watching this right to the end, just to see what'll happen - and for the laughs.

If the show keeps up this quality it'll have a notable position in my head as one of the very few shoujo things I have watched, and enjoyed immensely.

oh, and as a last note - I was very surprised by Maaya Sakamoto's voice acting. It sounded COMPLETELY different from what she's done! She almost sounded like Houko Kuwashima if you ask me. And I loved it!
Thanks for the fish
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