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Old 2016-08-25, 13:33   Link #5
Okuyasu the Bird
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Alberta, Canada
Age: 32
I'm a bit intrigued by the fact that the whole student council actually had legitimate character designs opposed to the generic watery-blue figures they use for background characters. I wonder if they've appeared in supplementary material before...

But it seems Izuru didn't in fact kill anyone in the student council at all, they all killed themselves, he was merely observing the massacre and Junko used his presence as an excuse to rile up the reserve course students into an angry mob.

Also seems Junko's plans with Ryota and the anime he's making haven't quite occured yet, though I'm sure will come to light soon.

BTW I was amused on how they threw in a shot of Junko's ass and cleavage while Ryota was explaining how animation can influence someone's brain, with changing color overlays no less.
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