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Old 2018-01-04, 18:30   Link #64
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2008
China's Socially Networked Repression:

"China's social credit score in action (it's how China is ushering in a long night of
socially networked repression).

Essentially, this is a score that follows you for life. It's public and accessible.

It goes down: If you break any rules, say bad things online, pay a creditor late, or any
of a rapidly expanding list of immoral things...

A negative score impacts your ability to access government services. The companies
you can buy products from (they don't want to sell to people with low scores). Your
friends and the people you can marry (they get a lower score if you have a low score).

China's dictatorship needed a way to control an advanced, socially networked society.

This is it."



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