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Old 2019-05-01, 22:11   Link #6
Best Girl Connoisseur
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Trinidad & Tobago
Age: 28
I'm all caught up and all I've gotta say is: why is the drama so needlessly overblown?

The author just keeps stacking misunderstandings and lies on top of each other and things are already approaching critical mass when we're only 9 chapters in... We have two traps, a bi and a homo (presumably) all caught up in what is probably the most convoluted love rectangle I've seen in quite a long time.

Reika also now knows the MC's secret and boy does that look on her face seem foreboding. I hope she doesn't resort to blackmailing the MC because of this...

Lastly, my shipper senses are telling me that the MC is gonna end up with the other trap. We'll see how this plays out.
"When there is evil in this world that justice cannot defeat, would you taint your hands with evil to defeat evil? Or would you remain steadfast and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?" - Lelouch vi Britannia as Zero.
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