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Old 2010-10-27, 04:05   Link #209
Art Block Specialist
Join Date: Jun 2007
Kirino got teal colour pupils while Kyousuke got dark blue. Both their parents have brown eyes. Could be just stylistic choice, unless you want to argue that they are both adopted.
Special mention: Ayase also has dark blue eyes, and got the same hairstyle as the fake imouto in the beginning of ep1. :P

One of the reason why I'm against the change in "that" scene is that, it makes sense for Kyousuke to keep his arm stuck under Kirino's head, but it becomes stupid when his hand is gelled onto the bra. Not to mention why would you apply extra force to your little sister's fall when you specifically called "watch out".

On another note, I still support the theory that Ayase is a stalker, and she somehow managed to track them down at Big sight.
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