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Old 2012-08-10, 10:04   Link #19330
Join Date: Jul 2012
Originally Posted by desrtsku View Post
^ Oh, it's risk-free here ... I guess.
Yeah but it's a matter of perspective, we already knew in that case that scarifying dudes won't help them.
But here we don't have a clue if it's really the case or his father is wrong = everything is possible ^^ for the simple reason that what someone thinks of as a superstition might actually be true (especially when the guy we're talking about is not an expert in the matter).

Here's a well known example of the latter case :

"The earth is not the centre of the universe. That Galileo idiot who believed in such superstitions was put on trial."
But we have two points:

- He implies again that it was only a superstition of other people, while still agreeing that Kamijou was indeed unlucky.
- In a book that most of the story is explained by other characters, what he say is 'word of god'.

So what does it imply? First that he really mean what he meant, it was a superstition of other people to believe being near Kamijou would bring misfortune.
Two, you can't start denying things based on "What this character say could be false", because if you do so the whole book will lose it's meaning.

You could say Styil might be lying when he said about magicians being able to detect if another person was a magician or normal human.
You could say Index was lying about the functioning of mana.
You could say Kanzaki was lying about Yusen.
You could say the frog doctor was lying when he said he saved Aleister.

In a world where most proofs come from characters speech, you have to take in account that what they say is true unless proved otherwise.

And yes, even if this defy logic or reasoning, like how the Railgun is said to deal that much destruction using only an arcade coin, when that is obviously impossible according to current physics law. But because they said so and happened so, you can only believe it and go on.
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