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Old 2012-10-10, 23:31   Link #3087
Last Sinner
You're Hot, Cupcake
Join Date: Aug 2008
Age: 42
And M5 are got game.

Stanley on Nidalee is just a beast...and I thought his Jayce was boss...

What on earth was with Genja? He kept getting caught out in front as Kog'maw...and in match 3, they were ALWAYS fighting split up in the jungle...against Anivia...right...and why on earth didn't Gosu take Sona the one match it was up? Sona ulti owned their face.

I don't know what was with M5. It was like they tried to play more more CLG.Eu. And their champ choices were unusually low CC for their usual gameplay.

And yes, Kona - wtf with Kog'maw. A no escape champ vs those lineups...where's the Corki Genja did so well with recently? Kog'maw may scale the hardest late game, but he just showed why I never will buy Kog'maw - you have to be chaperoned. And Yorick - what good is it if your ADC is already under locks. Pick something tanky and CC hard - don't know why Darien played Yorick every game that match. Where's something like Irelia, Xin Zhao or the like? M5 burned themselves on champ choices. They got too cute.

And I think Hotshot was right - NA and EU teams have given too much away about themselves. The Asians have come in with more up their sleeve - it's showing.
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