Thread: Licensed Inuyasha: The Final Act
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Old 2010-03-31, 19:54   Link #713
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Thessaloniki - Greece
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1) I said Tom was indirectly needed, as was the sword. The Witch king was not beaten just like that, it was the sword.

2) There were many Shinto and Buddha references in the series. Half the villains were based on mythical creatures and teachings of those religions. They still were filler material and even misleading to a great extend as they were used for flavor and mutated their original meaning. So unless you already know the Easter eggs, you may very well end up believing stuff like orange dressed ninjas using hand seals to use chakra, something that is 180 degrees the wrong direction.

3) You cannot compare anime stories to videogame stories. They use different methods of telling them. Games with huge walls of text and in-depth storylines have it easier but it is still not the same format.

4) Please understand that fillers have the nasty habit of contradicting canon material later on, because they had not taken them under consideration. I mean there was the first IY movie where the main villain killed thousands of people. None of it mattered. And in so many episodes, so many villagers were being killed and it didn't matter. And the youkai kept popping out of nowhere all the time, as if it didn't matter. That is why I hate filler stuff. They insert elements that have no importance no matter how grave they appear to be and in the end even contradict the canon story.
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