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Old 2006-04-18, 03:47   Link #60
Weapon of Mass Discussion
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: New York, USA
Originally Posted by Eclipze
I am wondering: NSW said before, that until the "anime only" material is deemed shitty, only then would these "original material" be refered to as "fillers". I do believe that was a strick rule that until such a decision is made, we (posters) are to refer to it (original material) as "original story".

So, has that decision been made yet? All I see is the word "filler" being used.
Well, the rule wasn't so strict. It was more of a guideline. I'd say that it is good enough to qualify as an original story, even though it is below the level I expect of this show. It is up to you if you want to call it an original story or filler. It isn't as though I could enforce that rule without banning 2/3 of the Bleach Forum. Permanently.

There's not that fine a line between willing suspension of disbelief and something just being stupid.
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